Field | Data | Explanation |
Routing Number | 043305092 |
Office code | O |
Main office or branch: O = main B = branch |
Servicing FRB Number | 041000014 |
Record type code | 1 |
The code indicating the ABA number to be used to route or send ACH items to the RFI: 0 = Institution is a Federal Reserve Bank 1 = Send items to customer routing number 2 = Send items to customer using new routing number field |
Change date | 040808 |
Date of last change to CRF information (MMDDYY) |
New routing number | 000000000 |
Institution's new routing number resulting from a merger or renumber |
Street | SUITE 201 |
City | LATROBE |
State | PA |
Zip code | 15650 |
Phone | 724-539-3501 |
Institution status code | 1 |
Code is based on the customers receiver code 1=Receives Gov/Comm |
Data view code | 1 |
1=Current view |